Friday, January 7, 2011

Why This Blog?

Bear with me. I've started this blog for purely selfish reasons. I need to hold myself accountable!

Why? Here is the story of me:

I'm a 48 year old wife and mother of an 8 year old boy. Exhausting, I know. I am also overweight, out of shape and looking at 50.

Why does that scare me? Again - I'm selfish. I want to watch my son grow up. I want to be a grandmother. I want to be attractive to my husband. I want to enjoy shopping. I want to NEED a new wardrobe!

I also oversee the wellness department at work and quite frankly, I'm not a good role model. I need to do better for myself and for my family.

My hope is that this blog will help me chronical my journey to 50 where my goal is to be Fit by 50!

Please join me on the journey, if you like. Or just encourage me along the way. Hold me accountable. I need your help!

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